Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Mt Carbine to Lakeland

I am now reporting Tom's progress remotely, sitting at our daughter's table in Sydney. So here goes:

Tom rode 116k's today leaving from Mt Carbine, and arriving at Lakeland in the afternoon, accompanied by sister Barb and Liz.  He reported:

"Tough day with a couple of major climbs and lots of ups and downs and a strong cross wind."

Update:  Terry reports " A big ride today, with Tom leading out from Lakeland.  There is a long
160m climb once more over the Great Divide to Bob's Lookout, then a lot of little ups and downs.  Then a big drop off the northern side of James Earls Lookout into Lakeland, passing a huge solar array covering perhaps 1 1/2 ha. 80+ strings of double panels, 100m long with a big substation right alongside. We eventually find the caravan park, two blocks off the road, small and quite green grass that we shared with the wallabies and cane toads, a large number of toads."

Liz at Bobs Lookout

Palmer River

View from James Earl Lookout

Check out Tom's strava results here.

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4400k's and Tom's at the Cape!!!

Yes, Tom's made it. As have Barb and Liz, all supported by Terry. After setting up base camp yesterday arvo at Pusand Bay near Bamaga,...