Saturday, June 10, 2017

4400k's and Tom's at the Cape!!!

Yes, Tom's made it. As have Barb and Liz, all supported by Terry.

After setting up base camp yesterday arvo at Pusand Bay near Bamaga, the team spent a night of anticipation waiting for the dawn of the final day.  The three riders set off in high spirits, and after an easy ride of about 28k's reached the Cape about mid morning.  It was then a case of lumping the bike across a headland to the very tip of Cape York.  Photos were taken, and congratulations began to pour in. Photos show some very happy riders. Then it was a ride back to base camp where cool drinks, a shower, a rest, and a night on the town are the order of business.

At this stage, we don't have any strava results for the last six days of tom's ride and these may take a few days to get up to date, according to Tom.  So in the meantime, this is it - the post from Cape York, and the end of an epic journey.

We can only wonder what Tom has in mind for next time?????

The end of the road!!

A very happy Tom at the very top of Cape York!!

The riders - Tom, Barb, Liz

Looking from the cape.  Now, just where will tom go next!???

1 comment:

  1. Well done Tom, you're a legend. And congratulations also to Barb, Liz and all those who supported the riders.Rick


4400k's and Tom's at the Cape!!!

Yes, Tom's made it. As have Barb and Liz, all supported by Terry. After setting up base camp yesterday arvo at Pusand Bay near Bamaga,...