Friday, June 9, 2017

Are we there yet? News from the Cape

Sorry to all of you who have been waiting on the edge of your seats for news from the Cape.

The communications from the team have been very minimal over the last few days - no reception, very little battery.  I have received a couple of messages from Tom and Terry as they passed through some very poor reception points on the trail, and I can report that the team are now at Bamaga. Saturday is the big day - they have only 28 k's to go to the tip, and it will be all over.

Tom reported that he is tired and would love a good bed and a good shower.  I think that he may have to wait a little for the good bed, as he is still camping out in his little pop-up tent and blow-up bed. I have had no news from Liz and Barb, but understand from Terry that they are going well, and are keeping each other company on the road.  Tom of course does his own thing.

View from Punsand Bay to the tip of Cape York

1 comment:

  1. Ah - the end is in sight! Well done all - including the bloggers Mike and Barb. Despite the technology, we have been able to share the journey - from the comfort of our beds and armchairs!!


4400k's and Tom's at the Cape!!!

Yes, Tom's made it. As have Barb and Liz, all supported by Terry. After setting up base camp yesterday arvo at Pusand Bay near Bamaga,...