A big big day – pack a rain coat in the saddle bag-
few spots of rain last night – leave early – “must be gone by 7” says tom – “it
is a big ride tom” says I – “it is not the three peaks” says tom.
Off he heads - he is still not over his fear of Cat's-heads.
The signs seem larger today - they seem to be shouting
– your mad! - can't you read! – it is 172k to Rolleston! –They repeat – you are
mad! - no petrol for 160k means nothing for 160k
Of no! - ominous clouds - then spots of rain - How long will this last? –
not long at all! – the sun returns – glorious riding weather- hardly a breath
of wind! - Average speeds significant.
The van departs Injune in pursuit! – "no! - turn around!" – says the driver’s conscience – the van returns to the local café – spend just a little money in the town! – the locals are starting to arrive – not a lot to do in Injune – Sunday breakfast with the family in the company of other locals clearly an important activity.
Pause to take a picture of a local “Thomas the Tank
Engine” at the Injune Station – Appropriate given that the town started in 1920
as a rail camp!
The van catches up to Tom – first stop another 30k –
yes says tom – are you OK – says he – I wonder what that means? – does it means
he is feeling it? - or does it mean that
he is finding it a breeze? – judging by his face I think it is the latter!
Past the road to Rig 61 – the gas is being extracted –
injected into a high-pressure pipe and sent of to Gladstone – all roads might
lead to Rome but …. “in Australia all gas pipe lines head to Gladstone!” Says Tom.
The van sits and waits – the bush sounds disturbed
only occasionally by luxury townhouses being towed to temporary residency, at
Carnarvon Gorge.
Listen to the sound of the birds – then curse the
mobile homes that disturb the peace! – the van looks at the driver and says “not
doing to bad a job am I” - I am not going to say anything to her aloud but I do
mutter under my breath “well done pig!” – after all she has been well behaved
Up until now the traffic has been notable by the lack
of trucks – no sooner the thought than a small convoy of monsters pass! – the
van is unimpressed! - she is even less impressed when the convoy is followed by
another – “I hope they are giving my bike friend plenty of space” says she
The weather remains sunny and mild – ideal for
sitting- the wind starts to rise from dead calm to noticeably in tom’s face – the
van thinks to itself- “well – should not be a problem - he has now traversed
the high plains of the Queensland Alps – save for the occasional bump it will
be downhill all the way to Rolleston still 100 kilometres away”.
The van and driver continue to wait – mental
calculation after mental calculation- expected him by now – maybe the wind is
stronger than I thought – 70ks – not 3 hours yet – have been some decent climbs
by Queensland standards! - it's OK- not time to worry yet!
3 hours arrives – so does Tom- 65k – 22kph Average – “gee
that pinch back there was pretty severe - 6.5 percent” says tom – “traffic was quiet
for a while but it has picked up now!”
“See you in 70k” says he - off he goes!
The van follows – the driver pre-occupied – why is the
van so chirpy and chatty – something is up! – thoughts start to run through the
driver’s mind! – “oh no! – the frig door!” – sure enough refrigerator contents are
discovered evenly distributed from one end of the van to the other – no bias
one-way or the other – simply an even distribution – again a total catastrophe
avoided by the use of containers save for the errant lid of the olive jar! –
the driver curses – the van giggles! - the driver resolves to say nothing of this latest refrigerator misadventure to Tom!
Some more pinches – than a steep descent from the high alps.
Some more pinches – past the intersection of the Carnarvon Range and the Carnarvon
Highway – beautiful – dense luscious forest – out of place in the arid area –
delightful – over the partially flowing Carnarvon Creek.
Into large expanses of open grazing and cropping land –
this arid area sparkling under recent rains and moderate temperatures – oh that
it was always the same – green crops and dams almost full. – kilometre after
kilometre the land displays it recent good fortune.
Pull up at the specified 70 ks – just 40 ks to Rolleston
– “be there at one o clock” promises Tom.
I set up tables and chairs – erect the awning – suit
back and listen to my book - a farmer stops – you OK mate says she – this is
not exactly the behavior she is use to around here!
I sit - listen to my book - Alone in Berlin - photograph the faarm entrance - the trees - the clouds - fill in my time - relax - enjoy!
I sit - listen to my book - Alone in Berlin - photograph the faarm entrance - the trees - the clouds - fill in my time - relax - enjoy!
A I sit I feel the wind abate and then change direction
– it will now assist rather than hinder!
Tom arrives - looking good – relaxed – in good form! He
is nervous about the Rolleston caravan park -. Be has seen it before!
Of he heads - the country looks good - very good - a
green drought says the caravan park owner- cattle up to their belly in green
He passes a shiny – new caravan park sign - is mightily encouraged – onward- It will soon be over!
Tom arrives in Rolleston at 3:30 – he tours the town
looking for an ice-cream – it is Sunday Tom – the Sabbath day – it seems like
only pubs are open on the Sabbath in this part of Queensland – he heads for the
caravan park just a little dejected – he figured he had earned himself an
ice-cream – his dejection is relieved - the caravan park has been renovated!
“We have had a number of riders through” says the new
owner – “a Brit – some Asians – an old fellow from Weipa.”
Tom proceeds to prepare for a shower - he picks on his bags in the van - what are ll these possum turds here on the floor - some errant olives undiscovered among his belongings - "did you have another refrigerator disaster!" - the driver is forced to acknowledge his misdemeanor - the van giggles once again!
Today's Strava Results
Today's Strava Results
Ha ha - the olive story is very funny!