Saturday, May 13, 2017

Roma to Injune

Tom is off just a little early –  once the socks are on he is ready to head.

The van slips into town to refresh its supplies of bread and bananas and to capture an image of the famous bottle trees of Roma

Tom heads out of Roma – Emerald and the next rest day only 400 kilometres away – he will kick over 2000 k’s today.

Clearly not all locals were in agreement – a private contractor was proposing to make money from the coal seam gas projects in the area by collect raw waste from worker accommodation and the saline water from the gas extraction process and depositing it in a shallow pond just 20 kilometres out of Roma – no treatment – natural attrition of the waste – not sure if the objectors won or not!

Tom passes the road to Taroom – a corridor through the heart of the gas field - the intersection under severe refurbishment - clearly there is an expectation of increased traffic.

Into the foothills of the Queensland high alps – some steep roller coasters – the weather near perfect -the traffic? – light – gone are enormous cattle trucks.
The scrub of the foothills varies in density – pine – some form of black butt – eucalypt – much of the scrub land that was deemed too ugly to dance with the d9 and chain remains – it looks content - didn't want to dance anyway! – looks with pity on some of its neighbours who were less fortunate – it applauds their efforts to rebuild their lives.
About 40k from Roma the low foothills give way to the elevated plains – large paddocks cleared for cropping abut large areas of natural open plain with tree densities ideal for the fat cattle – Dams are full – the crop green and healthy

Catch up to Tom – “another 15k’s” says he.

Proceed - stop beside the road and wait for Tom – set up the welcoming paraphernalia

Tom arrives- “where did those bumps in the road come from?” – “you are on the foothills of the Queensland high alps” says I – “you have to expect a few bumps”

Only 30k to Injune -set Tom on his way – almost immediately he crosses the great dividing range – at 446 metres.

The van cruises ahead - Into Injune – find the caravan park – really a mining camp with powered sites – seems to be operated by the Diamantina group that operated the huge complex in Roma – not locals but at least someone is extracting some local income from the mining corporates – the caravan park facilities immaculate.

Tom arrives in at 12:00 mid-day – he is offered pasta – “I didn’t earn it today“– “easy ride” says he – he makes do with bread and peanut butter.
We wander the town – small and young – established as a rail camp in 1920 – survives on timber and cattle and trucking – booming and busting with the various stages of coal seam gas deposits to its south and south east.
Houses that are simply residences – no element of show about any of them – exteriors un-manicured – paint that is need of rejuvenation – standard school and health facilities - shops that are empty and left to fade away – a supermarket that is closed on a Saturday – a modern looking coffee shop and breakfast bar that closes early on a Saturday – it contrasts with a pub that while it stays open on Saturday, is cute but deathly tired.

A remarkable post office! – remarkable for a number of reasons – firstly – it was closed for the Roma Show – what! – Injune is 90 kilometres away from Roma – I suppose it is understandable – I suppose in outback Queensland terms Injune is merely a suburb of Roma – secondly it carries a plaque as a tribute to the people who made the building of the post office structure possible – if the government will not do it then do it yourself!

A bank that only opens on Monday’s and Friday’s

Contractors who announce their presence through posters on the walls of the only hardware venue in town!

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4400k's and Tom's at the Cape!!!

Yes, Tom's made it. As have Barb and Liz, all supported by Terry. After setting up base camp yesterday arvo at Pusand Bay near Bamaga,...