Sunday, June 4, 2017

Day of rest at Coen


Sunday - our day of rest.  We were all up late, with breakfast over by 8.30am.  Washing went into the washing machine, and was finished by 9.30am.  So what do we do now!???

Let's go for a coffee!  There is a coffee shop 400m south of the town.  We get there, only to find it closed on a Sunday.  We walk into the town - primary school, medical centre, community centre, ambulance station, couple of houses, the pub, the supermarket + fuel station + tourist info centre + post office one-stop-shop. This last is a family business, and one of the boys comes out "Do you want to see the stamper going?"  "Well...yes" we replied hesitantly.  After a few tries, a very old and tired 5hp Honda barks into life, driving a couple of V belts driving an old gearbox which drives another old gearbox driving a rising cam which lifts the stamper.  An old timer apparently built it 40 years ago and used it in his mine just out of town somewhere.  When he retired, or died I'm not quite sure, the boys got it and brought it into their yard and keep it going. 


From Barb:  Sounds like a great day!!!

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4400k's and Tom's at the Cape!!!

Yes, Tom's made it. As have Barb and Liz, all supported by Terry. After setting up base camp yesterday arvo at Pusand Bay near Bamaga,...